Youth...The Next Generation
Sunday Morning is a time of worship for both Adults and Children!
We want Sunday worship to be a family experience. We love it when kids worship along side their parents, even with all the squirms and squalls. They are an important part of the future of our church. We also understand that sitting through a worship service can be a challenge for younger kids and that can also detract from a parent's and others worship experience. If you choose, we have a staffed nursery for children 2 years and younger, and also offer Sunday School!

If you choose, we have a staffed nursery for children 2 years and younger. Our nursery is located at the back of the church in a closed and quiet room. There is a rocking chair and a few toys available, along with an adjustable speaker to hear the sermon. A bathroom and changing area are available in the room as well.

Sunday School & Children's Church
Children's Sunday School is offered during both Sunday services for the school year. Children are dismissed after the offering (Bring your random change for the kid's offering!) to their classrooms for bible lessons and crafts! Classes are divided into age groups:
2-3 yrs, 4yrs - PreK, K-2nd grade, 3rd - 5th grade and middle school.
There are not any Sunday School classes during the summer, but Children's Church is offered in the summer months for ages 3 yrs - K, after the offering, during Sunday services.

Youth Group
Starting June 12th at 6:30 PM, 7th-12th graders can join us as we go over the book of Grounded in the Faith. Journey with us each Wednesday, for the summer months, as we dive deeper into Faith with Christ, enjoy a homecooked meal and play games!